Target Markets & Insights
Market Insights Drive The Value Of Our Assets
While the energy transition is global, all projects have very local components. Renewable energy development is complex and takes hard, hands-on work with a lot of passion and persistence.
Earth from space
“Market Insights” for us
are not only analytics and data.
Equally important are factors that cannot be easily replicated:
Language & culture (including the deep understanding of the needs of the population).
The ability to identify, source, gain access and “block” high potential locations to originate projects with proprietary rights.
The detailed knowledge and best-practice experience regarding regulations & permitting.
Network to specialized certified service providers, regulators and authorities, local and international engineering and project management talent.

ZE only operates in target markets where we have these insights

These qualities position us to identify, originate (co)-own, manage and develop a high-potential project from a very early stage until full permitting, financial closure or even operations.

We are passionate Europeans and our target markets are: Germany, Switzerland, Croatia & Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH).

Challenge for European energy independence: Significant parts of the supply are not European.

Green energy supply must not come from distant, often authoritarian countries.

The Western Balkans are in the heart of Europe and have vast REN resources. Our mission is to develop this region to become a most valuable, strategic green energy partner for Europe – and thus to contribute to regional economic growth and geo-political stability.

Target Market BiH

Balancing all success factors, investment- and development criteria, BiH is one of the hidden assets and in a sweet-spot of the European renewable energy market development.

The time is right and the time is now. ZE is at the forefront to develop high-potential business opportunities in the region.